Friday, June 15, 2007

What a privelege!

I so love what I do! Many of you might not know this, but I have the awesome opportunity to work with HPkids worship team. I love to see our future worshipping God. I didn't have the chance to know God at an early age. It is exciting to see them singing there hearts out. Ministry wise I started in the adult worship team, I served there for five years. It was hard leaving, however I knew that God wanted me to move "upstairs". There is a freedom leading children into worship. Maybe it is because to lead kids into worship you have to become one of them. Have fun with them, show them that all we are doing is showing God how much we love Him only in the form of a song. It is amazing! I can't wait until we have our first kid's cd. We have so many talented kids. God is grooming some amazing talent. VBS will be our next big thing we do. Check them out!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Peace BE with YOU!

This morning I was talking to a family member. I listened to her as she spoke of wanting peace in her life. Then she began talking about another family member and her problems and how she also wanted peace. I told family member 1 to speak words of encouragement to family member 2, and to encourage her to dive deeper in God's word. Well that wasn't quite the reponse family member 1 wanted to hear. I was not going to join the family bash session. We are nothing without God's grace and forgiveness. We shpuld be quick to forgive. I found this picture, if this is not what comes out of our mouths then maybe we shouldn't speek! If we love someone we should want to share the truth with them, stay righteous in God's eyes and watch the peace come. Sure we may go through rough times and sometimes we don't feel very forgiving. Imagine if God didn't feel forgiving, Jesus may have never died on a cross for us. To my friends and family, please remember that no one is perfect, but love them anyway for who they are. Always pray, and when you want to speak think, are my words speaking love, God's truth, and are we bringing peace. I love all of you!!!

Psalm 85:10 NLT
Unfailing love and truth have met together.
Righteousness and peace have kissed!