Saturday, June 23, 2007

Hey all,
Check this out my 14 year old daughter wrote this. She is sooo cool! I am thankful she loves Jesus and loves to serve His people.
My father's Eyes
Tonight, there was something going on at church(sorry, I don't know what It's called) and it was awesome! We were praying over the new arena, and it was really awesome! As we were praying and worshiping, I had this thought. It kinda really had nothing to do with what we were praying about, but I thought it was pretty cool. Here it is.Well, you know how when a baby is born, one of the first things you hear is, "Oh, he/she has your eyes!" Well, I was thinking of that very saying. Well, I personally have my dad's eyes. Then, I thought about how we are supposed to see everything through God's eyes. And then I thought, well, do I have my father's(God's) eyes? Or do I have my earhly father's eye's? Talking about the new church really showed me how I should look at things. My eyes see a big building, that is really big, and probably weighs a ton, but when I really looked at it, I saw a home to the homeless, a a truly healing place for a hurting wold, and all I could think about was the sign on the fence saying, "It's for the people who aren't here yet." Then, I could honestly say I "had my fathers eyes". Well, that's all I have to say. I know it's really a lot of writing, but that's what was on my mind. I'll talk to ya'll later! Luvs!Zoe ;)

check out her blog

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